The Matriarch Rising Festival is a powerful five-night event where wild-hearted women come together to play with what it’s like to center themselves and revive their connection to each other and mother nature.

During the summer solstice of each year, we welcome hundreds of women from all over the world. 

Our Days & Nights


During the five nights here, you are in charge of choosing your own experience.

Our days are filled with skill-sharing, workshops, song circles, and movement. Here you'll find topics from energetic pelvic health to playful twerking, self mastery tools to herb walks, homeopathy to breast health, yoga to village prenatals, broom-making to kava ceremonies, and so much more.

You are welcome to flow to your desired sessions, lay in the sunlight with a new friend, or sit in the shade of the Tea Lounge and strum your guitar. 

Our nights are spent singing around an open fire, cheering on the women offering their talents to the stage, and dancing ecstatically under the stars.

“MRF changed my life. I met soulmates. We all recognized each other. We began a precious annual tradition. I had a vision of being an 80-year-old woman, dancing here on this ground, naked, bathed in moonlight, with my great-granddaughters dancing with me. This is Earth medicine.”  

 -Oriana Fitzgerland

Matriarch Rising's Founder, Emilee Saldaya

Matriarch Rising's Staff, 2022

"As mothers, daughters, sisters, and women descend on our magical land in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, I’m reminded of my mission for the festival: 

to create a protected space for women and girls to celebrate their womanhood year after year."

- Emilee Saldaya

We hold the vision of women returning to this land every summer with their best friends, their sisters, their daughters, and granddaughters. 

We are here to revive authentic sisterhood.

We are committed to preserving sisterhood, women’s rituals, and women-to-women wisdom sharing at the Matriarch Rising Festival.

Many women arrive not knowing what it’s like to fully surrender, feel safe around other fierce and strong women, or explore and speak their most profound truths.

Yet, they bravely come and lean in, and meet the parts of themselves waiting to be known.

We watch women leave more radiant, confident, grounded, strong, and liberated each year. When women remember their truth and power, it creates a ripple effect in the collective–it’s the matriarch rising.

MRF is where you can dance barefoot on the earth, lay naked under the solstice sun, sing your heart out and gather and share stories around an open fire without any competition or hierarchy. 

MRF is where you can dance barefoot on the earth, lay naked under the solstice sun, sing your heart out and gather and share stories around an open fire without any competition or hierarchy. 

"Dancing under the stars with my daughter. 
Hugging and genuinely loving women I just met. 
Embracing life, and everything that already is. 
Talking to the plants, signing, and looking into another women’s eyes. 
Vulnerability, and connection. 
Twirl into the sun women. 
And find each other. 
Let your sons and daughters witness wild and free women."


"I’m speechless... words can’t describe how full my heart is and how I feel as if I’m just radiating and glowing from the inside out. 
To be surrounded by so many powerful fierce strong and, at the same time as we are ~beautiful multidimensional beings~, soft gentle loving women was a healing experience.
I’ve never felt more safe and accepted in such a large group of women.
I am forever changed and ready to take the magic that I’ve embodied and bring it to my local community. 
The journey doesn’t end, the ripple effects of this potent sisterhood experience will continue.
Basking in this gratitude for days to come."


"In this moment, I was held. All the weight I was carrying on my own lifted and released. I felt the support I needed, wasn't getting. 
We can learn to love ourselves and care for our own needs but there is a moment when outside support of a partner or group of sisters is the medicine we need to keep going. 
I've never felt stronger or more connected to my authentic self than now."


The Matriarchs are Rising. 

Will we see you there?